4-H Photography Contest

Contest Deadline: February 21, 2025 @ 4:30pm
Location: UT-TSU Shelby County Extension Office

Do you like to take pictures? Then here’s an activity for you!! Select 1 or 2 pictures that you’ve taken in the past year, or that you’ve taken before the contest, and mount them separately on a poster board or construct​ion paper to make your exhibit(s).

Select photographs that show imagination! People don’t always have a smile, and your dog doesn’t have to sit and look at you. Start by selecting a variety of subjects to photograph. Experiment with different angles. Remember to get close enough to your subject for a good shot with sharpness. Be aware of the lighting, so that your pictures capture the true color. 

Contact Information

Tim Roberts

Kelly Ravlija

Kyla Szemplinski

Khalaya Cooper

Sydney Grayson

Rules and Guidelines

  • The categories are: People, Animals/Insects, Barns, and Landscapes. NOTE: A landscape can be a field, a shoreline, mountains, etc… NOT a single flower.
  • Each entry must have a SHORT TITLE under the photo. Be creative and original.
  • You may use any camera you’d like. Digital cameras or cellphones / tablets are preferred. You may use 35mm or APS film cameras, but you must submit the negative along with your photo.
  • Maximum photo size should not exceed 5” x 7”.
  • Every photo entry must have a completed entry form filled out and TAPED to the back of each photo. Entry Form can be found above.
  • Do NOT use glue to attach photo entry forms.
  • All photos must be taken by the student.
  • Only 1 entry per category is allowed, however, you may enter all 6 categories.
  • Entries may be comprised of a SINGLE entry or a SERIES.
  • A series must consist of 4 photos showing a “before and after” or a “how-to” theme.
  • A series entry must have the 4 photos numbered sequentially or in order of events in addition to entry forms on each photo in the series.
  • Place all entries from an individual 4-H’er in 1 envelope with NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, GRADE, SCHOOL / CLUB NAME and TEACHER / LEADER NAME.

Grades 7 – 12: The top 10 photos will be mailed to the State Office in Knoxville and entered into the
Tennessee 4-H State Photo Search Contest. These photos MUST relate to 4-H in some way.