4-H’ers (Grades 4 – 12) can create a poster which PROMOTES 4-H to others. The “Top 3” posters in the county will advance to the regional competition.
Yes, CLOVERBUDS (Kindergarten through 3rd grade 4-Hers) are allowed!
Posters are judged on Theme, Simplicity and Originality. Try and make your posters eye-catching by using color and easy to read lettering; also be neat and minimize smudges and extra drawn lines from pencils etc.
NEW!!! A brand new Digital Marketing Category is offered this year!!! The same regular poster contest rules apply and digital entries must be submitted as a PDF file. Save the file with your name, grade level, and school.
Entry Deadline: December of each year. Check Yearbook on the 4-H Youth Development Page.
UT-TSU Shelby County Extension Office
7777 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
(B-Wing of Agricenter)

Contact Information
Tim Roberts
Michael Owen
Kelly Ravilija
Kyla Szemplinski
Khalaya Cooper
Sydney Grayson
Contest Rules
- Posters may be made by any 4-H’er or by a club or by a team of club members
- Posters may be horizontal only.
- Posters must be 14×22 inches.
- Name, address, county and age of the 4-H member(s) should be clearly written on the back of each poster.
- 4-H is to be the topic for the poster.
- Well known cartoon figures such as Peanuts, Sponge Bob, Charlie Brown, etc. cannot be used because they are copyrighted.
- Three dimensional objects or materials which extend 1/8 inch or more above the surface of the poster may not be used.
- 4-H Emblem should be used on the poster, do not place text or other images over or on top of it. The 4-H Emblem should not appear screened under words or graphics. No photo, drawing, symbol, word or other figure or object may be placed on or obscure the 4-H Emblem. The clover stem should turn to the right only and the clover should not be slanted.

Here are a few special suggestions to make your poster a success.
- Theme: Does the poster attract attention, focus you interest on the idea and motivate you to take action? Is the message brief and direct? While brainstorming, imagine signs, billboards and advertisements. Start with a simple, catchy idea and create a slogan for the theme of your poster.
- Simplicity: Is the poster limited to one idea and readable at a glance? Simple, block-style letters are easier to read than cursive or script letters. Letters that are cut using a letter-cutter or cut from construction paper look neater than drawing letters on your board. Make sure letters are large enough that they can be seen from several feet away.
- Originality: Does the poster convey an original idea?
- Pleasing Composition, Attractive: Use your space wisely. Before marking on your poster board, lightly sketch out designs and lay letters down before permanently gluing them so you can adjust your space correctly. Is the poster well-balanced and neatly done? Is the size in accordance with the contest rules?
- Colored poster board may be used. Choose colors wisely by using a color wheel to help choose colors which compliment each other.
For more poster ideas go to Tennessee 4-H website.