4-H’ers (Grades 4 – 12) will have the opportunity to demonstrate something they have learned in their 4-H project in the last year.
All County Project Showcase Participants in grades 4 – 8 will automatically advance to the Western Region 4-H Project Showcase.
Project Showcase is similar to the Public Speaking Contest, but you may have a VISIAL AID!!! You may use a tri-fold display board, just as you would in a school science fair.
4th & 5th Grades
Time: 2-3 minutes. Project Demonstration. You should be able to show how your project works “step-by-step” to a panel of judges. You must setup and breakdown in a room with an audience.
6th, 7th, & 8th Grade
Time: 2-3 minutes. Interactive Table-Top Display Exhibit. You should be prepared to explain your project to the judges.
SPECIAL EXTRA CATEGORY: You may enter your record-book / portfolio to be judged separately from your table-top display. For more info, please refer to Forms and Materials, then click on Portfolio and Recordkeeping.

Contact Information
Tim Roberts
Michael Owen
Kelly Ravlija
Kyla Szemplinski
Khalaya Cooper
Sydney Grayson
9th & 10th Grades
Interview with a panel of judges. A visual is allowed. You will have 2-3 minutes to explain your visual.
11th & 12th Grades
Interview with a panel of judges. In addition to the visual, 4-H’ers will also submit a working resume.
Other Important Information
The subject should be related to one of the following project areas:
- Animal Science—Large Animal (No LIVE Animals)
- Animal Science—Small Animal (No LIVE Animals)
- Consumer Skills
- Personal Growth
- Engineering
- Environmental Education
- Nutrition / Health
Dress for Success
Participants will be expected to dress appropriately.
Girls: suit, dress, nice top, modest skirt or pants, hair should be pulled away from face.
Boys: suit; khaki or dark dress slacks; nice, buttoned, collared shirt (polo or full button-down); tie (optional)
ABSOLUTELY NO: jeans (blue or any color), athletic wear, action wear, t-shirts, sweatshirts,
head covering (hats, caps, beanies, doo-rags, bandanas…), shorts, flip-flips, sandals, open toe shoes.
Judging Criteria
Demonstrator (15 Points possible)
- Appearance: Neat / clean. Posture. No distracting jewelry. Hair out of eyes. No gum. Well-groomed. (5 Points)
- Voice: Is it pleasing, clear and distinct with correct grammar? (5 Points)
- Poise and enthusiasm: Good voice projection. Good eye-contact with the audience and judges. Smiles. Appears calm and collected. (5 Points)
Presentation (50 Points possible)
- Introduction: Is it attention-getting, giving the purpose of the demonstration; brief and important; telling what is to be done; or is it just the opposite or merely repetition of the demonstrator’s name and club when he/she has already been introduced? (10 Points)
- Main points clearly stated: Are all the steps clearly seen and can be understood by the audience? Are the points easily distinguished? (10 Points)
- Summary: Is it interesting and short, but complete; key points re-emphasized; no new material introduced; purpose met? If gestures are used, are they natural? (10 Points)
- Demonstration given convincingly: Does it seem the 4-H’er has knowledge of the subject and does not read his/her information? (5 Points)
- Equipment / Visuals: Is it well-selected and organized; work area clearly seen; suitable and effective equipment for the job; equipment handled with ease; arranged for efficient use; used as needed; without name brands or labels? Are they neat, clear, well-illustrated; used to amplify, not duplicate methods shown; charts not too crowded; simple designs; only needed charts used; charts handled smoothly? (10 Points)
- Work area: Is it left neat or as it was before the demonstration? (5 Points)
Subject Matter (35 Points possible)
- Selection and organization: Is it presented in logical sequence with only one theme or idea presented; subject narrow enough to be covered adequately? Is topic related to the 4-H project? (10 Points)
- Source of information: Is it accurate and up-to-date; selected from reliable information from USDA or UT Extension recommended practices followed; personal experience can be cited; source of information can be cited; suited to age, interest and experience of the demonstrator? (15 Points)
- Practical questions: Are they answered accurately; 4-H’er admits not knowing answer instead of guessing; subject adequately covered enough for no questions to be needed? (10 Points)
Tips for Planning Your Project Showcase
***Be sure to choose a topic that interests you.
- Colors: Dark backgrounds, yellow letters are easy to read. White backgrounds with dark letters are attractive. Avoid using bright background with bright letters. Choose colors that are easy to read.
- Visual Aids: Visual aids are an important part of the demonstration. Special attention should be given to each visual. List everything you need for your demonstration. List each step. Briefly summarize your conclusions.
- Organization: Begin with an introduction. Discuss main points & objectives. Summarize your main points in your conclusion. Explain each step.
- Writing: Use large lettering you can see from the back row. Block letters are easier to read than cursive. Capitalize only when necessary.