Agricenter International, the Shelby County Extension and Memphis Area Master Gardeners unite as a team to host Jr. Master Gardener Plant Camp every June for girls and boys, ages 8-11 (entering grades 3-6). The youth have the opportunity to learn about nature, while having fun and being introduced to the amazing world of plants! Activities include daily “hands-on” projects, educational discussions and games, “on-site” field trips, make-&-take home projects, and daily theme-related snacks. Each child takes home a camp shirt.
The camp is held at Agricenter International. Camp hours are from 9:00 a.m. until Noon, Monday – Friday. The fee is $50 per camper to attend. Enrollment is limited to 30 campers.
Sign-up Today!

Contact Information
Tim Roberts
Michael Owen
Kelly Ravlija
Kyla Szemplinski
Khalaya Cooper
Sydney Grayson