Plant Sciences

Our Plant Sciences programs offer a range of educational opportunities for different grade levels, featuring a series of educational activities that build on one another. Teachers can choose to implement these programs in-person or virtually. Teachers will also have the flexibility to request a complete series on a single topic or select activities from multiple topics to tailor the experience for their classroom.

Contact Information

Tim Roberts

Michael Owen

Kelly Ravlija

Khalaya Cooper

Sydney Grayson

Plant Science Activities

Pre-K through 2nd Grade

Package or Seed Tour

Package or Seed Tour
This is an opportunity for you to come to Agricenter to see the Farmers Market and learn about where our fruits and vegetables grow; above or below the ground, and what parts do we eat – the package, the seed, or both.  We will read Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens.  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to bring your students on a field trip.

We can also offer you a link to a recorded version of our Package or Seed Tour for your convenience.  You can also get a recording of Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens or set up a time to virtually have the story read to the class.

3rd through 5th Grade

Plant Exploration
Are you learning about plants in your classroom?  Come to Agricenter for our Plant Exploration.  We’ll talk about Cotton, Corn, Soybeans, and Bamboo.  We’ll go to the field to show different crops.  Plant Exploration is best in the fall when crops are being harvested to see the fruits of the plants. This program is suitable for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and even 6th grade students.

Standing in a Cotton Field
Growing Plants

How Does Your Garden Grow? Series
This is a Gardening Series that can be one activity or a series of educational activities that can go along with your garden or can assist with getting your garden started at school. Some of the topics include:

  • Soils and Soil Sampling
  • Planning your Garden (Math focus)
  • Planting – Container, Raised-Beds, Straw, or In the ground
  • Watering – When, how much, rain barrel, etc.
  • Mulching, Composting and Vermiculture
  • Weeds and Insects – including Bees
  • Harvesting – How, When, How much
  • Nutritional and Cooking

6th through 8th Grade

Technology in Agriculture *
This activity provides information about:

  • Irrigation – – What is irrigation?, Why irrigate?, How much do you irrigate?
  • Drones – – How are they used in Agriculture?, What do I need to know about Drones?
  • Automation – – Agricenter’s tractors and irrigation units are fully automated – What does that mean? and Where is it going?
  • Research – – Why do research?, What is it going to tell us, and more.

*The activity above can also be for High School.

Flying Drones

9th through 12th Grade

Talking about Big Machines

Careers in Agriculture
If you are looking for people for your students to learn about Careers in Agriculture, Agricenter can provide guest speakers in different areas. We are working on ones that are taped for viewing. Others we can possibly set up virtually to talk with the class. They will have interview questions and then opened to the class for questions.