Agriculture and Natural Resources

Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing. Programs also help Tennesseans protect the environment and improve the management, marketing and use of natural resources

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing. Programs also help Tennesseans protect the environment and improve the management, marketing and use of natural resources.   Row crop, commercial vegetable, commercial fruit, forestry, wildlife, fisheries, horse, and beef management information available for farmers and agribusinesses.  


Horticultural information available for commercial horticulture industry and homeowners. Master Gardener training, brown bag lunch seminars, plant and insect pest diagnostics, fertilizer recommendations and soil test kits are available through this program.  

Contact: Joseph Seago

Distance Diagnostics

Bring samples of insects or diseased plants to the Extension office. We will digitize using digital microscopes or camera, submit to The University of Tennessee Diagnostics Lab and receive the results back within a week. 

Contact: Joseph Seago

Small Farms and Urban Gardens 

Jo Anne Waterman primarily works with Small Farms and Urban Gardens helping oversee people who cultivate gardens.  She is responsible for providing leadership and support through extension educational programs in the area.   Contact: Jo Anne Waterman

Contact Information

Christopher Cooper, PhD – Consumer/Residential Horticulture & Master Gardener Coordinator

Joseph Seago – Commercial Horticulture

Jo Anne Waterman – Small Farms/Urban Gardens

Please click the download button to view our 2022 Lunch and Learn Programs. All programs are open to the public. For more information about the programs, please call Jo Anne Waterman or Chris Cooper at 901-752-1207. We look forward to seeing you!